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How will the world look in 2080?

Will, there be enough water for everyone, is there enough living space for 11 billion people, how will the environment look like and how will people transport.

Artcadia is a nationwide technique and art competition where you work with fellow students to find creative solutions for the problems of the world that will occur in 2080

We could choose out of 4 topics:




Environment and space


My team and I chose water because we think that will be the main problem in 2080. 


Sea-level rise:

Climate change is making the North-and Southpole melt and it makes the seawater expand, which leads to the rising of the sea level. The danger is the flooding of the countries.

For more information about our project visit our group website.

For more information about Artcadia, visit their website.

Water, in general, is a quite large subject, so we decided to focus on three subtopics: -Freshwater shortage

-The sea-level rise

-global desertification 




In the year 2080, there must be enough water for all organisms. If there isn't, species will die. 


Global desertification:

There will be floods but there will also be desertification. The deserts will expand when there is no water, because of that it will continue to grow and live will die in those situations. 

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